Thursday, April 15, 2010

little baby feet

Is there anything cuter than a little pair of baby feet?  Maybe baby shoes.
  If I could only have back half the time I have spent in the last few months putting shoes and socks on Baby Andrew, I would have much, much, much, nicer nails (because i would have a lot more free time to do things like get my nails done or clean the bathrooms or something). 

His first pair of shoes....
(the generic robeez they sell at target) stayed on quite well, but since he has outgrown them i have yet to find something, anything, that will stay on his feet.
 The next size up of the same thing fall off all the time.

I tried putting him in only socks, but he pulls those off and then chews on them. 
Then we just have soggy socks. 
I thought I had solved the problem.  I found this pair of shoes (on sale of course) at stride rite outlet, they were a little big but I thought they would work for the summer. 

I tried 'em on, pulled (very hard).....and the didn't come off!  So i bought them.  On his feet they went.  I was thrilled!  As I pulled out my cell phone to tell Kevin the great news, I tripped on of the shoes.  I go around the stroller and I see little Andrew kicking his feet together with a huge smile on his face.  If he could talk I am sure he would say "Nice try Mom!"  Little stinker. 

Then we got home and I realized they would work without socks.  But he was miserable.  Maybe he just doesn't like anything on his feet? 

But these little loafers are so adorably preppy, how could he not want to show these off?

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