Monday, April 26, 2010

the death of the gold shoes

As a part of Grace's princess obsession, she has been insisting on wearing her gold shoes everyday (after all Princesses wear gold shoes....and 5 headbands?).  They were cute around Christmas, but they have deteriorated very fast.  Really, they are barely gold anymore.   

Well today, we just didn't make it to the potty in time.  (Or she couldn't get all 3 of her tutus off in time.) 

And the gold shoes got peed on.  I mean really peed on.  Uh oh.  She asked me to wash them, but I said they couldn't.  She had no problem tossing them in the garbage, saying "Bye bye gold shoes, its time for you to go in the garbage now!"  

I am absolutely thrilled that they are gone, and proud of her for being a big girl about throwing them away. 

She quickly went upstairs and put on her pink patent "flip flops" and then said, "Mommy, now you need to buy the sparkly shoes."

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