Thursday, March 18, 2010

a toddler insult

Grace was really mad at me this morning (because i wanted to brush her hair or something absurd like that) and screamed at me "mommy, i am going to take you and flush you down the toilet" (while waving her arm around in a swirling motion - like the water going down the toilet).  Yikes.  I guess this is the ultimate insult coming from a toddler.

After her timeout (don't you love those early morning timeouts when we are all trying to get out the door?), Kevin was talking to her about why this was not nice and where she heard it we say a lot of things we shouldn't around her, but definitely nothing about toilet flushing.  We were thinking of blaming it on the other children at daycare (that is the only place that Grace learns anything that is not intelligent, charming and sweet). 

But no.

She said JuJu (Grandma Julie) told her that.  After Kevin told her that just isn't possible, she thought about it and said "From mommy's parents."  My sweet little girl couldn't be fibbing, could she?  No. 

Thanks  mom and dad :)

1 comment:

  1. I never, ever threatened to flush anyone down the toilet!

    As long as I am posting a comment, WHERE ARE PICTURES FROM THE BUMBLEBEE BIRTHDAY PARTY?!?!
