Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Monday & Tuesday

Monday: It was a really looooong day that included:

Trip to the DOMES with JuJu(wish I had brought my camera...will next time), free day!

1st outdoor WALK of the season (a little difficult to navigate the snow and ice filled crosswalks). We came across a crossing guard who asked if the kids were twins....seriously.  If you are that crazy should you really be leading kids across the street?

Whipping up a batch of HUMMUS for me to snack on (sooo easy I hope I never buy it again).

Key ingredients are chickpeas/garbanzo beans (save the liquid the beans came in (1/4c) to thin the hummus) and  a few tablespoons of tahini.  Add garlic, salt, pepper, lemon or lime juice, olive oil (if you want) and anything else to flavor (cilantro, roasted red peppers, etc).  Put in food processor (although I got a smoother consistency in the blender).  Done. 

SAILOR SUIT modeling....can't wait for warm weather so we can show these outfits off!

Look at the back! Check out Grace on the phone in the back chatting w/JuJu---->

<--- Doesn't Andrew look like Mark in this one?  I think so.

BLOWOUT (of the diaper, not hair salon variety)
LAUNDRY (again)
Since Kevin was home a bit later than usual (not complaining, since he is usually home at a decent hour), I deserved my glass of wine that night.

Tuesday: I gave the camera a rest today...I have already taken over 1300 pictures since 12/26/09!

Storytime at Cranky Al's: Grace gets a doughnut + I get a latte + Grace gets to run around = fun
Grace has made fast friends with the "teacher" Ms Molly, and has no problem asking her to read her more stories after story time is over, the girl is not shy!

Trip to the library for princess books and movies.  Grace is more than a little obsessed with Princess stuff

Picking up muffins for Grace's daycare breakfasts the next 2 days.

We can't wait for the warm weather to come so we can burn off lots of energy outside.

1 comment:

  1. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/d/d8/Stay-puft-marshmallow-man.jpg

    He looks like the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man from Ghostbusters!!!
