Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Fun stuff

Grace, make your own dinner.....

Last week I attempted to make the dinner hour less disastrous by making individual pizzas.  Grace loved it but I cannot say it made the evening any less stressful.  But the pizza was good. 

Kevin and Grace had boring cheese pizzas.  Mine had spicy peanut sauce, chicken and carrots (really good)!

Family Free Day
We made the mistake of going to the zoo on Free Day.  By the time we figured this out we were already in the looooong parking line.  It was a bit crowded, but Grace still seemed to have fun.  We didn't capture many good pictures, but these are Grace screaming  telling me and Andrew that she saw a "HIPPOPOTAMUS!!!!" (yes, I did have to look up how to spell that, anyone else use Google as spell check?)  Poor Andrew just sat in his stroller and sucked on his pacifier the whole time, I am sure he couldn't see anything.  (Check out the yellow sticker on Grace's forehead, that was there the whole morning.)

Warm (or luke warm) Weather
We lucked out on Monday and had some mild temps and sunshine.  We headed outside for a long walk and some sidewalk chalk.

Portrait of Grace and Andrew

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