Thursday, March 11, 2010

Guest Blogger - Andrew Malone

"Hey there Mom!  How's it going?  Oh yeah, time to eat peas and rice cereal.  I'm game."

Mom needs to stop babying me, I can definitely feed myself.   Look, she took off all my clothes!  What is she, crazy?  I can totally do this without making a mess.  But then again, maybe she just wants to look at my chunky body.  And really, can you blame her?

Thank you for the diversion big sister Grace. I have attained the spoon.

 I snapped this great photo of myself when mom wasn't looking.  See, I got the food REALLY close to my mouth.  I even stashed some under one of my chins so I will smell really great later.

Here I am pretending to be sorry that I covered myself in peas, but, secretly, I am loving it.

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