Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Grace's 3rd Birthday Celebration - Days 1 & 2

Since Grace was turning 3, we decided 3 days of celebration were in order (not really, it just worked out that way).  Day 1 was Thursday - a "day care day".  I ordered her cupcakes with a "3" on them and brought them to daycare for snack time.  I could only stay about 2 minutes, and the whole time Grace cried.  It was awesome.

I took off work on Friday and we headed down to Kenosha with Grandma JuJu.  Stop 1 was the Jelly Belly Factory Tour (not really a factory, just a distribution center). 

Grace telling JuJu that it is time to board the tour!

You ride in a "train" around the center and watch videos about the history of Jelly Belly - not very interesting but a quick activity to do with kids. 

The best part was that we all had to wear these paper hats, even Baby Andrew.  

At the end you get a free sample and can wander around the gift shop where you can taste different flavors of the candies. 

They have this line of gross flavors, which I did not try, but this one was especially repulsive to me
We had fun and Grace got a major sugar rush from the ridiculously disgusting gummi RAT (yes, a 7 inch long, orange gummi rat, tail and all) that her Grandma bought her - i guess it was "on sale" - so it makes sense then, uh actually not.
 Unfortunately, the camera died before we could snap a picture of Grace chomping the head off. So gross.

After the tour we headed off to lunch and a quick stop at the outlets, which was somewhat disastrous.  Thank God my mom came to help me, so we actually got a little shopping done.

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