Sunday, October 27, 2013

Happy Halloween!

This year we went trick or treating in Shorewood, and we had a great time.  The weather was great and the kids were all into it. 
  Andrew was looking fierce in his batman suit!  Grandma Jane made that for him, what a lucky boy!

Grace wore last year's costume minus the crazy wig.  Check out last year's post if you don't remember.  After a year in the dress up bin it was even more out of control.  Like seriously out of control, when we threw it away it took up half the garbage can.  Next year she is due for a new costume.

It took Mae a little bit to catch on to the whole trick or treat thing.  At the first house there was another little girl there playing inside the door wearing Mae's favorite horse dress.  Not sure if Mae wanted to play too or thought that girl stole her dress....but she was not too happy.  Then she kept trying to go in everyone's house.  Once she finally got the hang of it, she had fun.  Well until she fell and hit her head on the side walk. 

This is the cutest costume ever but the head was a little big, perhaps that is why she fell.  What we do for fashion right?

The best part of trick or treat was our little elephant companion, Evelyn!  Here Mae is pointing out that she is a "Baby!"

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