Friday, June 28, 2013

Recently 7

Since I haven't been that timely with the blog lately, here are some random shots from my phone.

I took a day off of work to get some stuff done for the remodel and hang out with Grace.  I had 2 hours with nothing to do and I had no idea what to do with myself!  So I took a walk to a nearby park.

We made an impromptu trip to the zoo with our friends.  I have so many photos of my kids in front of this statue - I will have to do a separate post on that!

My sweet Andrew.

Andrew and I were enjoying a beverage at Alterra and selecting paint colors.  We are getting an Alterra a few blocks away from our house this weekend.  Frankly, I am a little too excited about this.

Grace on her last day of 5K.

Now that the weather is nice, we have been going to the pool every weekend.  I am really not a pool fan, but the kids and Kevin love it.  Grace is a great little swimmer and Andrew is a maniac.  There is literally nothing he is scared of....which makes me very, very scared.  He jumps, does cannon balls and tries to dive off the diving board.  He is the youngest kid up there and he has absolutely no fear.   The first time he went up on the board this year, I walked him up there.  As we were climbing the ladder, I could hear him saying to himself..."This is sooo scary...this is sooo high..." and then he walked right off the end.  The funny part is that he is in swim class.  A swim class for 3 year olds.  Where they learn to blow bubbles and put their face under water....lets just say Andrew is a little advanced for that one. 

Mae is also a little wild in the water.  She loves it and wants to be under water, like her face under water.  She loves to "jump" off the side and splash.  She is a sweet little summer baby.

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