Thursday, June 27, 2013

Bathroom - progress

This is my little collage of what I wanted in the bathroom.  I highly suggest doing this if you are planning a remodel, I could picture it all in my head but it is easier to explain my ideas to other people (like my husband) if I can show them a visual of it all together. 

When we made the decision to do the kitchen, naturally this project grew to include the bathroom and back hall/mud room. We started on the backhall and bathroom this week. We won't start the kitchen for another month or so. I have been living amidst dust and tools and empty powerade bottles and dust and drop cloths and dust and miscellaneous supplies and dust and dust and dust.....

Anyways, I will post before pictures later but here is a little progress update.  Today wallpaper, painting and grouting is happening.  When they ripped up the tile in the old bathroom, this is what we found.  Of course I got all excited thinking we could keep it, but we couldn't.  There was a big section missing. 

With our remodel, I am trying to make everything look like it could have been here since the house was built in 1927.  Which is fun...and making me crazy.  So when I saw the ORIGINAL tile, I was thrilled.  And I am totally, irrationally disappointed about not being able to use it. 

So here is the new tile.  We just bought standard home depot black and white flower hex tiles (available online) and I also bought a box of plain green hex tiles.  I had my contractor pop out the white centers of the flowers and replace with green.  Not going to be modest here, love my brilliant idea!

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