Saturday, January 26, 2013

Happiness comes from within

So I saw that Mackenzie-Childs was having a post holidays sale.  So I took a look.  So I went a little crazy.  So the UPS man could barely carry the box.  So what?

Totally not creepy that I took a picture of the UPS man out my window.  I was just a little excited about the contents of that box!

I just LOVE their stuff.  Kevin doesn't get it.  I tell him it is pretty and it makes me happy.  Now I understand that happiness can only come from within and all that enlightened nonsense, but how can you look at this and not smile? 

Yes, I know it is just a canister.  But a flowery canister with a big jeweled knob on top!

I was asking the kids what to put in it.  Andrew said coffee.  Grace said Mae's pacifiers.  I am thinking tootsie rolls.  Or I could just fill the whole thing up with wine and use it as a glass.  That would make me really happy. 

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