Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Because you have been driving me crazy

Because you freak out for no reason at all.

Because you hit your big sister.
Because you take all the pillows in the house and pile them in the living room.  Every day.
Because you insist I take off my shoes to show you my toes.
Because you won't eat the suckers I give you if "they be too dark."
Because you make me wear my hair in a pony tail.
Because you torment me when I am wiping your butt by insisting on a particular technique.
Because I had to hear that you tackled another child at daycare.
Because you ignore me no matter how loud I yell your name, but when I say "Oh look!  A digger outside!" you come running. 
Because you scream when I cannot find that song you want on you tube, when the only description provided is, "You know, the one we heard last week." 
Because you ate your sister's donut yesterday when no one was looking.
But mostly because we love you Andrew and your cute little tush!

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