Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Recently 3

This is all from May - I just forgot to post it!

The kids have been playing with Barbies.  Not sure what this is all about.  Not sure I want to know.

Grace still loves holding Mae.

Mae's diaper. Andrew's diaper.  I change a lot of diapers.

When Mae is fussy, she loves to be outside. 

Andrew helping himself to yogurt, while pulling down his pants and holding a pair of dump truck underware. 

Mae loves tummy time.

I made sliders one night.  Aren't they cute?  Of course the kids wouldn't eat them.

Poor Andrew got sick.  He never gets sick.  He was throwing up and limping.  I was alarmed, what a weird combination of symptoms.  When we took the little guy in, he was so tough even though I could see he was in pain when the doctor was messing with his legs.  The doctor thought it was a virus.  Then we all got sick.  All of us having the stomach flu (except Mae) is about as much fun as it sounds.  Oh well.  We survived!

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