Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Hilton Head: Andrew Quotes

Andrew loves Beyonce's "all the single ladies" song. We have started to refer to little girls as single ladies, and we ask Andrew questions such as, "Did you play with any single ladies at daycare?"or "Meet any single ladies at the gym?"  He usually replies, "Yes. Just one single lady."

At the pool, he asked Kevin to take him to another side of the pool.
"Where do you want to go?"
"Over there. By those single ladies!" 
Such a ladies man.

Andrew was scared of the salty dog mascot. Grace got her picture
taken with him, but Andrew was way too wimpy. However, when the dog walked by Andrew
the following conversation occurred...
"I yove him." Andrew whispered.
"What did you say?" Kevin asked.
"I yove that black guy!"

There were 12 apple devices for 11 people. The kids had their pick of iPads to entertain themselves. One day Andrew had grabbed an iPad and was watching "Toy Story".
"Andrew, I need that iPad to see what the weather says.". Kevin
With a firm grip on the iPad, he replied,"The weather says we watch "Toy Story" now."

And here is one from Grace....there were a lot of dolphin sightings throughout the week.  However, the kids were not interested or could not see the dolphins.  Towards the end of the trip, when Kevin was on the beach with Grace he said, "Look Gracie!  There is another dolphin out there swimming!"
Grace replied, "I do not care."  (Sounds like her Mom.)

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