Monday, April 26, 2010

the death of the gold shoes

As a part of Grace's princess obsession, she has been insisting on wearing her gold shoes everyday (after all Princesses wear gold shoes....and 5 headbands?).  They were cute around Christmas, but they have deteriorated very fast.  Really, they are barely gold anymore.   

Well today, we just didn't make it to the potty in time.  (Or she couldn't get all 3 of her tutus off in time.) 

And the gold shoes got peed on.  I mean really peed on.  Uh oh.  She asked me to wash them, but I said they couldn't.  She had no problem tossing them in the garbage, saying "Bye bye gold shoes, its time for you to go in the garbage now!"  

I am absolutely thrilled that they are gone, and proud of her for being a big girl about throwing them away. 

She quickly went upstairs and put on her pink patent "flip flops" and then said, "Mommy, now you need to buy the sparkly shoes."

Thursday, April 22, 2010

random happenings

It has been a while since i have been able to upload pictures, so here is a recap of the last few weeks.....

We have been loving the warm days we periodically get.  Andrew is my favorite little guy these days, because although he can move his big butt by rolling around, he prefers to just sit and play.  I love it!  He is very happy to be outside sitting on a blanket with a bin of toys.

While Andrew sits, Grace is very very busy setting up tea parties and exploring. 
 We have had some run-ins with insects lately (for example, a bee in the living room crawling amist all the fake bees from her bee game, what?!).  So she is very aware of little bugs.  She saw an ant crawling on our lounge chairs outside, and what did she say to the ant?  "Hey!  How did you get up there?" in about the cutest and sweetest little voice.  So adorable.

Grace loves her new sandals (thank you target), which she calls "flip flops."  The entire day she wore these, she called herself a "flip flop girl". 
Me: Grace, why are you putting stickers on the floor?
Grace: Because I am a flip flop girl!
Me: Grace, why are you running your cozy coupe into the fence?
Grace: Because I am a flip flop girl!
Me: Grace, time for a snack.
Grace: I need ritz crackers, because I am a flip flop girl!

Andrew has started sleeping with his big booty in the air.  So cute.

Grace thought this was hilarious.  Mom did not, since she is a bit big and this is borrowed.  Plus, she did this about a dozen times and couldn't get out herself.  So I got to hear "Mom! Mom! Mom! Mom! Mom! I'm stuck!".  Repeatedly.

We are totally into Disney princesses over here.  And Grace was given this beautiful doll from my friend Kelly who works at Disney.  Grace uses this as inspiration for her outfits.  So every day she needs to wear a tattered snow white costume and a tulle hair thing with streamers (her veil).  Sometimes we wear this on errands, if mom isn't up for a fight.  Grace loves the attention and introducing herself as snow white.  I am proud of her confidence and sweet nature, but a bit embarassed by the whole thing.

In an effort to get Kevin Grace to eat a balanceed meal, I thought taco night would be a hit. 
I make tacos by cooking a jalapeno, fire roasted tomatoes, red onion, garlic for a while in a tiny bit of oil. 
Adding black beans and a protein.  Then I serve that with tortillas, cheese, and avocados.  Pretty healthy.  (If you eat the fillings and not just the tortillas.)

Grace loved making her taco,
but not eating it....

And I got the opportunity to help a friend with her floral business.  She taught me how to make beautiful wreaths from silk flowers.  After my lesson I made one for my was fun and it fulfilled my need for a creative project. 

In other news, we joined a health club.  The Malones are getting in shape!  Its about time!  This week Kevin and I have been good about going to work out.  It is great for us to get out of the house and do something for ourselves, plus it is only 5 minutes away.  Hopefully we will keep up with it.   I did a "Core" class that kicked my butt.  I am hoping to try pilates next week, after my stomach muscles fully heal. 

Life is good!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

little baby feet

Is there anything cuter than a little pair of baby feet?  Maybe baby shoes.
  If I could only have back half the time I have spent in the last few months putting shoes and socks on Baby Andrew, I would have much, much, much, nicer nails (because i would have a lot more free time to do things like get my nails done or clean the bathrooms or something). 

His first pair of shoes....
(the generic robeez they sell at target) stayed on quite well, but since he has outgrown them i have yet to find something, anything, that will stay on his feet.
 The next size up of the same thing fall off all the time.

I tried putting him in only socks, but he pulls those off and then chews on them. 
Then we just have soggy socks. 
I thought I had solved the problem.  I found this pair of shoes (on sale of course) at stride rite outlet, they were a little big but I thought they would work for the summer. 

I tried 'em on, pulled (very hard).....and the didn't come off!  So i bought them.  On his feet they went.  I was thrilled!  As I pulled out my cell phone to tell Kevin the great news, I tripped on of the shoes.  I go around the stroller and I see little Andrew kicking his feet together with a huge smile on his face.  If he could talk I am sure he would say "Nice try Mom!"  Little stinker. 

Then we got home and I realized they would work without socks.  But he was miserable.  Maybe he just doesn't like anything on his feet? 

But these little loafers are so adorably preppy, how could he not want to show these off?

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Happy Belated Easter

The Malones had a GREAT Easter this year.  On Saturday we had a blast at the Tripoli easter egg hunt and lunch.  Of course the only rain that fell all week came down during the easter egg hunt, so it had to be held indoors but we had fun anyways. Grace was very selective with her eggs and only chose the fancy ones.

This year Grace loved the easter bunny.  She was a little apprehensive at first, but then she decided she LOVED that bunny.  Loved him so much that she was jumping in other people's photos. 

Andrew was content sitting on the bunny's lap

and just lounging in a club chair

We had a great lunch and then the kids (and Kevin, see him sitting in jeans and a navy sweater?) played some fun games. 
I was really proud of how well Grace listened and played with the other children, even though she didn't understand all the instructions.   At least we hope she didn't....otherwise she was totally cheating during the "steal the bunny tail off the other kids" game.
After the egg hunt (and a major meltdown) Grace helped me make an egg shaped carrot cake for Easter Sunday
                                                            (by eating A LOT of frosting)

My cake and Grace's cake.
                        Grace had fun Easter morning looking for the eggs and her easter basket.

As you can see Andrew loved his anbesol!

On Easter Sunday we went to mass, which was crowded and we spent the whole time totally distracted by tired Andrew (who of course did not cry but just squirmed the whole time) and an active Grace.  We have been doing a good job of going to mass.  No Mom, not every week!  But we have been going every other week for a while now.  The over crowded holiday masses are definitely more challenging for us as there is just too much going on to get good behavior. 

Then we stopped at the Malone's where we broke out the bunny ears again, visited with family, and then we were off to my parents for dinner.

Grace has taken a liking to the Hippos at the zoo.  After hearing this Dave generously gave her a very cool clay whistle he made, which is really a piece of art. Grace was THRILLED!