Tuesday, February 1, 2011

What have the Malones been doing?

I am beginning a multi-part series on all that we have been up to in the last few weeks.  Hold on to your hats. Its going to be a wild ride.

Actually, we are pretty boring.  I have been sick and busy with work, our bathroom remodel, and finishing the living room "redo".  So I have not had much time to update this thing lately. 

I can hear you all thinking, "Bridget was sick, oh no! What was wrong?" 

Well, only because you asked...
The whole family had this nasty cold that lasted for about 10 days.  Just when I was feeling better, I started having a pain in my head, neck and chest.  It hurt to breathe.  It hurt to talk.  It hurt to yell at my kids.  Last Thursday, I couldn't get out of bed. 

So I went to the doctor and, after a chest x-ray, they think it could have been muscular or some random virus.  I think it was a combination of the two.  Before I came down with this ailment, I had gone to the gym pretty consistently for a week or so (lots of weightlifting, yoga and core).  I am thinking I pulled something.  Oh well, I am all better now.  Phew.

And in case you are wondering, here are the reasons I go to the gym:
1. Achieve my totally attainable goal of having abs like The Situation.
2. Be able to show off my big guns in a tank top this summer.
3. Get break from my kids.
4. My back doesn't hurt when I keep my back and ab muscles strong.

And I am serious about all of them.  I am not trying to be funny.

So anyways, here is what we've been up too.  Part 1.

Go Pack Go!  Cheering on the Green and Gold. 

By making green and gold cupcakes.

Taste testing the green frosting.

Being proud of our cupcakes.

Eating cupcakes.

Eating other green and gold food.  Wouldn't it be awesome if we could find away to make everything in Packer colors?

Humiliating Monty.

And bonding with family while we cheer on the Pack.

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