Saturday, February 26, 2011

This week's excitement

Earlier this week, we had Andrew's 18 month check up.  I was expecting a quick in and out appointment.  Unfortunately, his doctor noticed a large mass inside his abdomen and sent us for an x-ray.  Needless to say we were extremely upset and nervous.  I kept thinking how for months we have all been laughing at Andrew and his face and yoga moves in the corner....and there might really be something wrong!  Poor guy.

We found out a few hours later that the large mass, was just a large mass of poo. Whew. So now we are serving up some major laxatives in our sippy cups at the Malone house.  This was Monday and I think I am still a little jittery from this experience.  My heart goes out to all those parents who have genuinely sick kids. That must be such a challenge.

I felt so horrible for Little Buddy getting poked and prodded, shots, blood drawn, and then having to head off for an x-ray.  Luckily we didn't have much of a wait, and Andrew made friends with three little girls in the waiting room.  Such a ladies man!

He did not appreciate laying on a table naked while getting a picture of his belly taken.  And he was totally not impressed by the stickers they had on the x-ray machine.  But he was such a good boy, I was so proud of him.

On a side note, he weighs 24lbs, 4oz. and is 32 3/4" long.  That means he has only gained 4 pounds in the past year.

I tried to get a cute picture of Andrew for this post, this is what I ended up with....

Come on Drew! 

Much better.

1 comment:

  1. When I started to read this post my heart sank. I was taken right back to the doctor appointment we had in September with Oliver when we found out he had histiocytosis.
    SOOOOOO glad it was just poo!

    And all of those pictures are cute. :)
    I love your blog and I laugh out loud reading it.
