Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Snow Day...again

This is what our backyard looked like this morning.  That is a table and a slide out there peaking out of the snow.

My wonderful husband did all the snow removal for us.  The poor guy had to wade through the snow to the garage and spend two hours shoveling and snowblowing.  All while his wife and children sat inside, ate banana bread and drank coffee/sippy cups of milk. 

Sometimes we watched from the doors and windows and took pictures. As we stood there and watched, we felt sort of guilty that we weren't out there helping. And really thankful that we were inside and had such a strong and capable man to remove our snow for us. Then we got cold and went back to our coffee drinking and playing. Its freezing by those old drafty windows!

As a special treat, I set up the tent in the living room.  I am such a fun, cool and flexible mom! Yeah me!

Later in the day, Kevin took Grace out to hang out in the snow.  She had fun taking the snow off the big piles and putting it back into the driveway.  Thanks Gracie!

And finally, this snowfall reminds me of the storms we got in 2008 (I think December) right after we moved in....



2008 (Both of Grace on the snowbank outside of our backdoor)


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