Tuesday, February 15, 2011

cleaning supplies that make me happy

Over the years, I have heard this product mentioned as being great, but never tried it.  Until today.  Oh, happy day!

I picked it up at home depot (my new hangout) this past weekend.  I may not be a barkeeper, but this most certainly is my friend.

I spent a bit of time today (ok lets be honest, about 2 hours) scrubbing my pots and pans.  This was quite a change from my normal TV watching and bonbon eating routine.

 As you can see, my pots hang over my island on this super fancy integrated pot rack/light fixture thingamajig.

Yes, it is natural for you to be asking yourself, "Why on earth does Bridget still have that ridiculous thing hanging over her island?"  Answer:  There is no where else to put the pots.   

Anyways, they are always in plain sight.  Lately, I have noticed how shabby they look.  So I pulled out my new friend.  Once I started cleaning, I could not stop.  Until they were oh so shiny.

I thought I was done, when I remembered that I have a grill pan. 

This was a challenge.  After about 20 minutes (the other pans did not take this long) of scrubbing it looks like this.  Not perfect, but close enough.

And this made me think of the other cleaning products I love.  So besides the Method all purpose cleaner that I already endorsed, here are my other favs.... 

For my wood floors (which I must admit, never seem really, really clean...tips anyone?):

For my stainless steel dishwasher:

(See that nicely polished fingernail?  That is because I just got my quarterly manicure.  How stylish and pulled together am I?)

Plus, I really love the little housewife lady on the front, she looks so cute.

And for anything...grout, paint marks on the wall, weird stuff you come across and pray is your own filth (and not some left over disgustingness from the people who lived in the house before you):

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