Friday, February 18, 2011

Put it on your blog

While my sister Amy was living in Asia, I started this blog to keep her up to date on the kids.  You see, I am HORRIBLE at keeping in touch with people.  This is a serious fault of mine. I know.  So I thought a blog would be the best way to let others know what is going on the Malones. 

Now that I have been doing this for a year, I will admit, I like it.  I guess this is a 'hobby' of mine. 

Keep reading this blog and you will learn my other exciting hobbies.  Just kidding.  My hobbies are changing diapers and cleaning. 
Also, I must give credit where credit is due.  For years, whenever I would go off on a rant about something random, Kevin would say, "Put it on your blog."  Instead of what he really wanted to say:

1. "I don't care."
2. "Stop talking during the game."
3. "Huh?  I was not paying attention to you AT ALL."
4. "You are insane."

I did not have a blog at the time, but he thought that if I blogged he would not have to listen to half of my garbage.  The fool.

Anyways, I thought I would let you know a few of my thoughts on this little hobby of mine. 

1. I do not do photo albums, baby books or any other memory keeping activity.  Each child has a box that I throw keepsakes in when I am on top of my game.  That's it.  This blog is to make up for that.  I intend to print this out every year.  Then my kids can look back at the books when they are older and think, "Wow, Mom was always crazy!"

2. My photography is sub-par.  I know. I have this nice camera but I don't know how to use it.  When I have some free time I want to take a class.  Maybe when my kids are in college.

3. Excuse the errors in my spelling and grammar, I am not dumb, but I know those mistakes make me appear like I am.  (Wait that wasn't a run-on sentence, was it???)  To be honest, I don't always have time to spell check or proof-read.  But don't worry, my mistakes do not go unnoticed.  Kevin always points them out.  He can do that because he is my husband, and he puts up with my crap.

4. It's OK if you don't find me funny.  I have a weird sense of humor.  If I seem like I am being rude or insensitive, I am probably just kidding.  You don't get "me".  It's you, not me.  Got it? 

5.  I find myself hilarious.  Those people that love me very much (Kevin and my mom) find me, "mildly amusing."  I'm at peace with that fact.  And I will continue to laugh at jokes like, "If you are an American when you go in the bathroom.  And you are an American when you leave the bathroom.  What are you when you are in the bathroom?"  European!  (Get it? You're - A - Peein')

Okay, stop laughing now.  I know, its a good one.  Yes, you can tell all your friends and pretend you made it up.

6. Finally....let me know you are reading this!  Drop me a note, write on my wall on facebook, give me a call, send me a postcard, send a smoke signal, put a comment on the blog, or sign up to be a follower.  Sometimes I feel like my mom and mother-in-law are the only ones who read this.  Which would be fine, but maybe there are more of you out there.  Anyone?  Anyone there?  Bueller? 

Plus, if I know you are a reader, then I won't accidentally make fun of you.  Or like post a picture of you picking your nose.  Or maybe I will.


  1. I'm reading! And I noticed typos and forgotten words in #1 :) See, that's my sense of humor. But really, it's bookmarked and I read often.


  2. I love your sense of humor. You definitely have some Grandpa Norman in you, e.g., the "european" joke.

  3. We read your blog! William loves it when he makes a post. :)
