Friday, February 4, 2011

What have the Malones been doing? 3

We were bored, really bored one day.  So, naturally, we got out the empty boxes to play with.  Grace asked that I mail them to Disney World.  Ah so fun to play pretend!  Well this little scenario stopped being fun for Grace when I pretended to call UPS and schedule a pick up.  I told them I had 2 boxes.  One may be a little stinky.  The other may be a little whiny. 

So we moved on.... to Valentines cards. 
Blurry picture I know - but she looks so sweet.

Grace is working on writing her letters.  To practice, she tells me what to write and I write it out on paper. Then she traces those sentences.   This is kind of a slow process, so don't be offended if you don't get a card in the mail. 

Andrew also got in on the fun and completed this cute painting.  He also painted the chair, my arm and his forehead.

Finally, I thought these pictures of Andrew were really cute.  He loves watching his dad and he insisted on eating his breakfast in front of the window while Kevin worked outside.  He kept pointing and saying "Da!".    Obviously, this was taken before the huge blizzard hit earlier this week.

And here is Mr. Cool napping. 

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