Thursday, September 23, 2010

impromptu trip to the museum

One hot day in the late summer I took the kids to the museum.  Mondays are free day so I was a bit nervous....after experiencing the crowds, smoking and yelling (what?  i was the one yelling?  no!) that take place at free day at the zoo.  But it was very nice and calm.  

Grace was very excited to go to the museum.  

When we got inside she had a little breakdown in the butterfly area.  "I want to go play!"  I just didn't understand why she wouldn't want to be with all the live butterflies that land on your hands and head.  It was then that I realized she thought we were going to Betty Brinn Children's Museum - which is much more fun for a toddler than the regular museum.  But she got over it quickly ( i must have promised her candy or something).

But for some reason, these fossils thrilled her. 

Then we were off to the Streets of Old Milwaukee exhibit - my favorite!  Grace loved the candy store and Andrew had his eye on the Usinger's display.

Grace loves china as much as her mom!

Andrew quietly sat in his pink buggy and looked cute.

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