Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Andrew's 1st Birthday!

He was a little skeptical of the hat he got from Aunt Amy & Uncle Justin, but he adored the orange truck.

Here are the decorations for the circus party.  The dining room was supposed to look like a circus tent.  It was time consuming and hasn't been take down yet, but since Andrew demanded a circus party it was totally worth it.
The idea was that he would get the giant cake to himself and make a total mess and love it.  But he was not into it at all, that or he has excellent table manners.  He just looked at it and ate a few bites with a fork. 

Even though Andrew didn't like his cake too much, I was proud of my amateur attempt at a circus tent.  And I enjoyed picking at the frosting for a few days, until I decided it belonged in the garbage.

Grace was her usual self at the party.  Enjoying the people, cake and opening all of Andrew's presents while he slept.  She even got a present or 2 herself.  Including Barbie and Ken (which immediately began holding hands). 
And she made everyone play telephone with her. 

The hats were a flattering look for all.....

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