Friday, January 24, 2014


After a marathon Christmas break, the kids are all back to school.  Thank you Jesus!  I was officially done with Christmas by 12/24, so getting back to our routine has been long overdue. 

The rainbow loom saved me from losing it with Grace.
Mickey Mouse Clubhouse saved me from losing it with Mae.  (Actually, I can't imagine getting sick of her cute little face...I mean really, look at her!  But the TV sure came in handy.)

But nothing has saved me from losing it with Andrew.               
Some intense milk drinking at Alterra.  Note the 2 straws. 

After I told him I wanted to drop kick him into Lake Michigan (don't worry, he knew I was kidding)...  I came to the realization that 1 four year old "Andrew" is equal to 2 two year olds.  Naughty, whiny two year olds.

Lots of this...
"But Mommy, I cannot clean up this mess.  My hands are soooo small.  I am soooo tired.  My back hurts sooooo much."
Followed by:
"I am the strongest person in the whole wide world!  I am the Incredible Hulk!  Look at my skin!  It be turning green.  AHHHHH!"

"Mommy, I cannot eat that because my nose is runny.  And I cannot stop crying, until someone gets me a tissue!!!!!"
Followed by:
"I not want the syrup on that side of the pancake.  I want syrup on the hodder (other) side!  AHHHH!"

"Oh Mommy, I love you sooooooo much.  I just want to kiss your face all day."
 Followed by a big hug and:
"Oops, I got a big booger on you."

But he is cute when he sleeps.  
And he is cute when he crawls in bed with me and asks to cuddle.  

He is cute when he dances to songs we shouldn't let our children listen to.

And he is cute when he wears these glasses.

So we will keep him....for now. 

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