Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Kitchen update

Our kitchen should be starting next week (fingers crossed)!  I am excited, but also a little scared.  I should love this stuff, but I am really, really sick of it.

Here is my idea board thingy for the kitchen.  I am not sure what I am going to do with fabric, but those two are options. The soapstone is my actual slab (as long as my granite dude doesn't flake on me), and I love it! It is very hard, which is key for durability.

I paid my cabinets a little visit earlier this week, and I believe they are finished as of today. They look awesome. I told the cabinet guy that I was very happy with the shade of white, and he replied "Yes, its white." Well said cabinet guy, well said.

And now I will begin torturing myself with cabinet hardware.  I like the look of exposed screws, but don't actually want exposed screws.  And I want bin pulls (middle pull in picture below), NOT cup pulls.  And I want latches, maybe ice box latches, maybe both.  And I want glass knobs.  And I love the handles I found in the bottom picture.  Trying to make it all work without it looking like a hardware display store.  Fun times!  Kevin likes to discuss these things for hours with me, so at least I've got that going for me.  

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