Sunday, November 18, 2012

Recently 5

We are getting ready for winter, which seems to be coming pretty fast this year.  Part of our fall routine will now be putting the storms on the playhouse. 

Andrew loves to bake with me. 

One day I made a casserole.  I took a can of artichokes, chicken breasts, sun dried tomatoes, water, rice and a can of cream of chicken soup.  Then I baked it.  I was all excited, thinking I had created some super easy and good casserole out of things I had around the house.  No grocery store trips!  One problem.  It tasted nasty.  Not sure if it was the rubbery chicken (chicken weirds me out these days) or just the whole thing in general.  Kevin ate it and said it was good - but I think he is just scared of me.

I got to take the kids to the dentist.  No cavities!  WOOHOO!

In other news, I bought my second groupon.  I was a bit skeptical of groupons, thinking I was going to get ripped off or something, but since Gracie and I had a successful manicure experience a few weeks ago I am on board with the whole groupon thing.  Anyway, one came up for a new activewear store that is supposed to be just like lululemon.  The first one in the US is in Milwaukee (we are so cool).  So I bought it.  I am less than satisfied.  It had a LOT of rules.  I ended up buying a great hoodie and a new pair of yoga pants.  The salesman promised me they would be just like the lulu groove pants.  I fell for his lies.  

You see the lululemon pants lift my butt up and make it look somewhat perky.  They make me look like I do yoga everyday. 
I do not. 
The new pants make me look like I eat a muffin everyday. 
I do that.

And finally, I got an MRI on my back this week.  I was sort of excited for it, thinking it would be relaxing for me.  I could just lay there and no one would be asking me to wipe their hands, mouth, nose or their butt.  I was wrong. 

No one asked me to wipe them, but the board that I had to lay on was super uncomfortable.  I had to get two MRIs, so it took an hour.  And it was really really LOUD!  I was prepared for it to be noisy, but it has this alarming noise that set off some sort of panic instinct in me.  Picture laying in a tube with a fire alarm going off and you can't move at all.  Kinda crazy.  They do give you headphones to listen to music.  But I asked that they put on the news, since I never get to watch it at home.  It wasn't radio news, it was just CNN TV talk shows.  So I got to listen to political pundits yell at each other for an hour.  Again, not relaxing. 

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