Thursday, October 18, 2012

Tortellini Soup

1 package of frozen tortellini
1 box of chicken stock or a few cans
2 handfuls of fresh spinach (or use frozen)
1 can diced tomatoes
italian seasonings
1/4c diced onion
2 cloves minced garlic
1/4c diced carrots
1/4 lb italian sausage (cooked)
1 egg
1/4 cup parmesan cheese
olive oil or butter
salt and pepper

Heat the oil or butter in a saucepan.  Add onion and carrots, saute until soft. (If you have raw sausage you could cook with the carrots and onions, but I like to cook separately so i don't have all that sausage grease in the soup.)  Add garlic and italian spices for a minute or so.  Add container of chicken broth and tomatoes and bring to a slow boil.  Add tortellini.  While that is cooking, mix parmesan cheese and egg together.  Just before the pasta is done, add the cooked sausage, egg mixture and handful of spinach.  Turn off heat, stir and let sit for a few minutes while the spinach and egg to cook.  Add salt and fresh pepper to taste.

Of course the kids wouldn't eat this.  Andrew said, "It have parts!" But Kevin loved it.

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