Sunday, October 28, 2012

Candy Corn Cookies

I saw these cute candy corn cookies on pinterest and decided to give them a try.  Anyone else look at pinterest?  Great place to get ideas about cooking, decorating, entertaining, style, etc.  Also, if you want to feel like you are really uncreative and put pressure on yourself to do something Martha Stewartish, check out pinterest.
Anyways, you can basically use any shortbread cookie recipe.  Divide the dough into 3 even portions and use your food coloring to make the different candy corn colors.  Use a lot of food coloring, I didn't use enough and my candy corn cookies were pretty light.
Press the dough into layers and then refrigerate.  I left mine in overnight.

Oh yeah, I had a little helper.
Here is the dough brick ready to be cut.
So the little cookies were tiny, bitesize really.  They took forever to cut up.  When I make these again I will either double the recipe or use a smaller pan to make thicker cookies.

The recipe I called said to coat these in sugar.  Totally not necessary. 
These guys bake pretty fast.

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