Monday, October 29, 2012

A new hairdo for Maisie Moo

Alright everyone, lets guess what Mae's hair will look like when it finally grows in....

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Candy Corn Cookies

I saw these cute candy corn cookies on pinterest and decided to give them a try.  Anyone else look at pinterest?  Great place to get ideas about cooking, decorating, entertaining, style, etc.  Also, if you want to feel like you are really uncreative and put pressure on yourself to do something Martha Stewartish, check out pinterest.
Anyways, you can basically use any shortbread cookie recipe.  Divide the dough into 3 even portions and use your food coloring to make the different candy corn colors.  Use a lot of food coloring, I didn't use enough and my candy corn cookies were pretty light.
Press the dough into layers and then refrigerate.  I left mine in overnight.

Oh yeah, I had a little helper.
Here is the dough brick ready to be cut.
So the little cookies were tiny, bitesize really.  They took forever to cut up.  When I make these again I will either double the recipe or use a smaller pan to make thicker cookies.

The recipe I called said to coat these in sugar.  Totally not necessary. 
These guys bake pretty fast.

Friday, October 19, 2012

My Parlor - Sneak Peek

We have been making some changes around the house.  I am turning my office into my own private sitting room.  Filled with pretty things and free of cheerios, Curious George, chaos and children.  Well that is the lofty goal. 

I will post more when it is done. 

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Tortellini Soup

1 package of frozen tortellini
1 box of chicken stock or a few cans
2 handfuls of fresh spinach (or use frozen)
1 can diced tomatoes
italian seasonings
1/4c diced onion
2 cloves minced garlic
1/4c diced carrots
1/4 lb italian sausage (cooked)
1 egg
1/4 cup parmesan cheese
olive oil or butter
salt and pepper

Heat the oil or butter in a saucepan.  Add onion and carrots, saute until soft. (If you have raw sausage you could cook with the carrots and onions, but I like to cook separately so i don't have all that sausage grease in the soup.)  Add garlic and italian spices for a minute or so.  Add container of chicken broth and tomatoes and bring to a slow boil.  Add tortellini.  While that is cooking, mix parmesan cheese and egg together.  Just before the pasta is done, add the cooked sausage, egg mixture and handful of spinach.  Turn off heat, stir and let sit for a few minutes while the spinach and egg to cook.  Add salt and fresh pepper to taste.

Of course the kids wouldn't eat this.  Andrew said, "It have parts!" But Kevin loved it.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Guest Blogger Mae Malone: Business Up Front, Party in the Back

I am six months old now.  Since my mom doesn't have her act together enough to do a nice post about me at 6 months and all I have accomplished so far (like she did about Andrew), I will do my own. 
  • I am 16 pounds (well, almost).
  • I have a number of nicknames, all given to me by my brother.  Most commonly I am referred too as Maisie Moo or The Mae Monster.  (For some reason he thinks I am a monster and accuses me of biting him.  Just wait until I can actually bite you Andrew.)
  • I am cute and smiley.
  • I love my brother, he is really sweet and rubs my head.
  • I love my sister, she calls me "Sissy" and always asks to hold me.  She reads to me, plays with me and makes me laugh.

  • I am sick all the time, and sometimes I need medicine.  (Even when I am sick, I am still gorgeous.) 
  • (I am really good at making that whole process difficult.)
    • I am starting to get a little worried when my mom leaves the room...will she come back?
    • I am learning to sit.
    • I can turn pages in a book (Thank you daycare.  My mom never, ever reads to me).
    • I can swing.  My mom put me in a swing this week and was all excited about it.  She kept asking me if I liked my first time on the swing.  I just smiled and acted really thrilled.  But I really wanted to say, "Hey mom, if this is my first time on a swing what do you call that thing in my room that you put me in everyday.  What?  A swing?  That's right."  But I didn't say that, because she is my meal ticket so I try to keep her happy.  Here is a video of my "first" time on a swing -
    • I can roll over all by myself.
    • I am starting to eat new foods and I really enjoy when my Daddy or Gracie feed me.
    • I am now willing to take a bottle from Daddy, as long as my mom is not in the room.
    • I currently DO NOT have diaper rash. (Well, I didn't on my 6 month birthday.  But last week I had to go on antibiotics and now I do have diaper rash again.  So I am on probiotics to help my tush.  PRObiotics and ANTIbiotics - you sure that makes sense Mom?)
    • And I have a mullet.
    I was born with it.  And I like it.  It is working for me.  I am choosing not to grow hair.  Instead of my mom constantly putting bows in my hair, I get to show off cute hats. 

    Apparently my sister had a bow in her hair since birth.  All these bows are just sitting and collecting dust in my room. 
    And everyone (yes, even my dad) just cannot wait until I can get a bow in my hair.    So they are forcing things a bit.

    Friday, October 12, 2012

    Thursday, October 11, 2012

    Around the neighborhood

    Our neighborhood is a total mess.  The gas company is replacing all the gas lines in our city.  Safety is great.  Constant construction and random holes all over the yards, sidewalk and streets is not so great.


    Tuesday, October 9, 2012

    Hangin with Mr Andrew

    Andrew and I have had a few busy days. We have mostly been hanging around the house since Miss Mae has an ear infection, but we managed a few outings. 

    On Monday, we went on a walk to check out one of the million construction sites in our neighborhood.  We checked out the most important construction site.  Where one day the new Alterra will stand.  So exciting!  Andrew loves watching all the diggers and dump trucks scooping dirt and whatnot.
    Getting ready for our walk.
    On Tuesday, we went to the grocery store, played legos, played playdoh, painted with watercolors, went to get coffee and went to the park.  Before noon. 
    Andrew insisted I get a picture of him coming down the slide.  Whoops!

    Monday, October 1, 2012