Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Pop Quiz

Which one is the pumpkin muffin?

Monday, September 24, 2012

Little Boy Heaven

At Gracie's soccer game last week there was a digger sitting in the parking lot. Andrew was pleased.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

It's saucer time

Miss Mae is learning the joys of the exersaucer.  One of my favorite stages of babyhood. 

She loves it.   And then every once in a while she realizes I am not around and gets unhappy. 

"Wait!  You can't leave me alone in here!"

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Happy birthday Kevin!

About to try frog legs on his 35th birthday with his younger wife (A lot younger. A lot.)

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Monday, September 17, 2012

Blue Steel

The other day Mae was in a good mood and the weather was beautiful.  So I thought I would go outside, take advantage of the late afternoon light and get some photos.  I was doing everything I could to get big smiles.  But, of course, I kept coming up with goofy looking shots like this Zoolander-esqe one.....
So I had to call in the big guns. Grace.
   No one can get Mae to smile and laugh like Grace.  No one.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Eating out with kids

...is so fun. I keep telling Kevin it is good to take them out. We are teaching them patience. How to interact with waiters. To enjoy all different types of hot dogs. And not to scream "I just wanna use your love tonight!" (Andrew) in the middle of a crowded restaurant.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Mexico - 2012 Vacation Awards

Unlike our last trip to Mexico, there will not be an award for all vacation goers this trip.  Sorry.  The creative/funny juices are not flowing this year.  Actually, I am only going to give one award.....

Most likely to wear a sweater. 
In Mexico. 
In August. 
Twice in one week.

and the winner is.....Mark! 

I believe after this photo was taken, he said, "Uh, I am hot.  I am going to go change." 

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Did I leave the burner on?

So at the beginning of August, I was having a small party.  I bought a pork shoulder, brined it over night, and put it in the oven to cook for 6 hours the day of the party.  About 20 minutes after putting it in, I heard the oven beeping.  Of course I yelled at the kids for messing with it - but it wasn't them.  It was an F2 error.  Whatever that means. 

So we agonized, and I mean AGONIZED, over whether or not to fix the oven or replace it.  When we decided to replace it, we agonized, and I mean AGONIZED, over which one to buy.  I found an oven and then I impulsively bought a cooktop as well. 

I figured they should match.  And I found one with child lock. a power boil feature and a griddle.  They had me at "child lock." 

 I have this thing, Kevin can attest to it, I am always paranoid the burners are on.  Usually this paranoia sets in as soon as we drive away from the house.  I used to worry that I left my curling iron on.  But ever since I accidentally brushed against our range in Chicago and turned the burners on as I was heading out the door, the cooktop has been my neurotic worry of choice.

This was the old situation. 

So without further ado....here is the new oven.  I know I still have hideous counters and cabinets, but I think it looks nice.  The oven has a loud fan, but after exhaustive internet searches, I have determined they all do.  And I am going to choose to not let that bother me.

And here is the new child lock. 
 The other day I tried to turn the burner on with the lock on....loud alarm. Scared the crap out of me. Hope it scares the crap out of one of the kids if they try to use it. (Did I ever tell you about the time I heard a noise in the kitchen at about 5am. It was Andrew, standing at the stove top, with a perplexed look on his face. He was trying to make himself eggs. Independent and dangerous little guy.)

Oh and it was lots of fun getting these things installed.  Of course, neither fit perfectly even though they are "standard" sizes.  Countertop had to be cut.  Electrical lines had to be moved.  Gas pipes had to be moved.  I have come to realize that I have a "non-standard" house. 
Fun times.  Fun bills.