Sunday, April 15, 2012

Getting Ready for Baby

A few days before my induction, I decided to get my act together. 
I have always thought those pregnant belly pictures are so cute, so I had Kevin take a few pictures.  This was not so much fun.  Or very successful.  This was the best we got....

And I finally cleaned up the nursery.  Since we didn't know if Mae would be a boy or girl, I attempted to create a gender neutral nursery.  I succeeded in creating a very girly blue nursery.  Good thing we had a girl.

I had to buy a new crib because I broke the old one when I was taking it down in Andrew's room.  That was annoying.  But the new one is much sturdier and safer, so it was a good thing.

This armoire is from my parents.  It is from my dad's side of the family and has been used for generations. 

Meet Tina.  She is my giraffe that Kevin bought me a few months ago.  She is over 4 feet tall and the kids have a lot of fun with her.   Andrew has a wild imagination and sees Tina poop on the floor.  He feeds her.  And sometimes she bites him. 
And here is Andrew, sleeping with his baby doll "Charlie" the night before Mae was born.  When I went in his room to check on him, he was still awake.  I said, "Andrew what is happening tomorrow?' and he goes, "Baby coming." in a little whisper.  So cute

And here we are heading to the hospital.  We took pictures like this with each of the kids. 

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