Monday, January 23, 2012

Sweet Stuff - Sonicare

So Kevin and I have bad teeth.  Our dentist suggested looking into automatic toothbrushes.  We did.  And ended up getting the Sonicare Essence.  It is awesome. 

Kevin said to me, "Bridget you need to put this on your blog.  Very rarely does anything actually EXCEED your expectations."  Fair enough. 

Why does this get my glowing recommendation?
1. Your teeth will feel ridiculously clean.
2. I noticed my teeth seemed whiter.  I thought I was crazy but amazon says...."Removes 80% of coffee and tobacco stains in just 28 days."  See I am not crazy, just perceptive.
3. Holds a charge very well.  I think I charge mine overnight about once a month.
4. It makes just enough noise to drown out your children that are whining/fighting/calling you from the other room.  Two minutes of bliss.

I want to note a few things.
1. The first time you use it you will not like it.  Just keep at it.
2. Wipe it off with a towel after you rinse it, otherwise water seeps into the joint where the head screws on and you will get some funkiness growing on the inside (no where near the part you put in your mouth). 
3.  There are much more expensive versions, which we obviously did not try.  This one does the job.  And there are usually rebates/coupons you can find online for another $5 or $10 off.

1 comment:

  1. I got a sonicare and clarisonic face washer over the holidays and love them both!
