Wednesday, January 4, 2012

HO HO HO! Christmas Recap

We had a great but exhausting Christmas this year.  We spent Christmas Eve at the Malones' house. 

We foolishly tried, repeatedly, to get a cute picture of all three kids.  Of course none turned out.  Here they are all yelling "HO HO HO!". 

Of course the kids got too many presents Christmas Eve.  Gracie loves her art kit and new Fancy Nancy stuff.

Andrew was a bit perplexed by the whole present thing.  He just let this box sit on his lap until someone showed him what to do with it.

And then he looked a little confused by the gifts as well.  I think he was tired.

Before leaving he gave Aunt Katie and Uncle Brad BIG hugs.
Time for bed?  Maybe?
The kids both slept until a reasonable hour Christmas morning.  I did not, I was downstairs with all the unopened gifts at about 5:30.  Not sure why.  

(This picture is me playing with our new camera lens - thanks Mike and Jane!)

The easel from Santa is a big hit.   This year Gracie consistently asked for a Bible, a rosary and a pink sparkly Barbie.  Santa forgot the rosary.  Whoops.

When we asked Andrew what to put on his list for Santa all he would say is "Purple Presents."  He didn't get any of those but he did get a set of jumbo zoo animals and a digger.  

However, the goldfish in the stocking were the big hit for him. 

Later in the AM, my side of the family came over to open more gifts and have brunch.  The kids all got way too much stuff.  And Andrew insisted Gracie's new rain boots were his.  
When I thought the chaos was all over, my mom reminded my dad to get the "big gift" out of his car.  She was not kidding.  

The kids love their new retro tow truck and have had fun driving it around the basement.  This definitely puts their cozy coupe to shame!  They are looking forward to playing with this outside in the spring.  

I am still totally exhausted from Christmas and vote for a vacation next Christmas! 

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