Saturday, December 3, 2011

Ultrasound Pictures

Here is a photo from my first ultrasound with this baby.  The baby is the little solid white dot on the far right edge of the larger white outlined circles.  It is amazing that the baby goes from that, to this in 3 months!

So for baby #3 we have decided NOT to find out the sex.  Well I decided I didn't want to know, and Kevin went along with it.  I have mixed feelings.  I want it to be a surprise, but I do feel that I would be more excited and bond better with the baby if I knew.  Also, we have to do some bedroom shuffling and knowing would be easier....nonetheless, we are not finding out.

Well,  except for the fact that there is an envelope sitting on our kitchen counter with the news inside.  The other day Gracie asked what was in the envelope.  When I explained it, she said "Well, I want to know!" and started to open it up.  Little stinker.  She would NEVER be able to keep it from me. 

Grace wants it to be a girl.  Really bad. This is the conversation we had a few days before the ultrasound...
"Gracie, Mom is going to the doctor and I will be able to show you pictures of the baby!  He will also be able to tell us if it is a boy or girl.  Do you think we should find out?"
"No mom, I want it to be a surprise, just like you.  But I better see a picture of a vagina!"

Andrew is not so excited.  We have conversations that go a like this....

"Andrew, are you going to play with the baby?"
"Andrew, are you going to help Mommy feed the baby?"
"Andrew, are you going to share with the baby?"
"Andrew, are you going to be nice to the baby?"
Maybe he is just saying "No" to everything?
"Andrew, are you going to act naughty to the baby?"
At least he is honest!

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