Monday, November 7, 2011

Lazy Sunday

We had a ton of great family time this Sunday. While Kevin and Andrew went to the gym, Gracie and I went to church. We tried to take Andrew last week, and that was a mistake. Grace was very good this week - without her little brother distracting her. A couple funny things they always will when Gracie is around:
1. She heard a reader say Jesus died. She looked at me with the absolute saddest face I have ever seen and said, "What? Jesus died?!" She looked sooo sad, I felt bad for her. I was also a little nervous that this would turn into a major dramatic event, but she held it together.
2. She heard the priest say, "Jesus Christ" and she turned to me, alarmed and said, "Mommy! He said Jesus Christ!" Like he was swearing or something. So funny.
3. Gracie sees a lot of her little friends from school at mass, and doesn't get that we shouldn't give them high fives when they are walking down to communion. She also saw one of the K5 teachers that she "loves" and had to give her a BIG hug....while she was handing out communion.
4. They used a ton of incense today. The church was foggy. There is something in the incense that makes my eyes burn and water, always has. Apparently, Grace doesn't like the smell. "Mommy, that smells so weird!" and kept her nose plugged for a bit longer than I would have liked.

In the afternoon, we went swimming (Yes, I did too.  The pool was a freezing 87 degrees, not kidding, I was shivering the whole time.)   Then, we came home to watch the Packer game.  During the game we got bored and I suggested we see how many things we could put on Patty's back before she would get up.  We ran out of space on her back before she moved. 

We also saw how long we could balance things on her head.  Poor dog. 

Then Gracie had me take pictures of her making her classic angry faces.

Andrew watched a Beyonce video. 

Then I took this picture and realized that he is not a baby anymore.  He is a little boy!  When did that happen?

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