Monday, May 16, 2011

Grace's Last Ballet Class

Last week Gracie had the last ballet class of the season.  The parents could come and watch, so my mom and I came to see the performance.  We had a little bit of drama when Grace decided she didn't want to perform and wanted to sit on the sidelines and watch.  I let that go on for about 10 minutes, then I told her that I was leaving.  She threw a fit and then agreed to perform. 
  She jumped right into the performance and did a great job.  Here she is pretending to be a doll, so she is frozen in place.  She took it very seriously.

She won't be taking dance class this summer.  She will be too busy with her swimming, tennis, safety and sports classes.  But in an effort to increase my chances of achieving my lifelong goal, I will probably sign her up for ballet class after school next year.  My lifelong goal is to keep her OUT of Irish dance, but you all knew that.

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