Monday, May 23, 2011

Finally some great weather

Today the kids and I had a wonderful day. We ran some errands in the morning, but then spent the rest of the day outside. We finished our planting, went on a really long walk, played on our neighbors swingset, and then ate dinner outside.

Andrew was acting like quite the big boy today.  He kept walking into the bathroom saying, "I pottty!" and trying to take off his pants.  So we would put him on the potty and he would "try" to go. 

Also, Andrew was banging on the china cabinet glass and after telling him to stop twice I asked, "Do you need a timeout?"  Andrew paused, said "Yeah", and walked over to stairs (our time out spot) and took a seat.

Now I know you all are thinking that Andrew is surely a genius.  So I will tell you that he also drank bathwater, repeatedly slammed his hand in a drawer and got ketchup in his eye.

Grace will be guest blogging about today at some point this week.  Stay tuned!

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