Friday, July 11, 2014


Well I am way behind in my blogging!  We are half way through the summer and so far it has been great.  We took a trip to hilton head and had a fabulous time.  The kids are in a bunch of summer activities and totally exhausted from all the fun.  Here are a few recent pictures.  

I cannot remember if I have shared this yet.  But this is one of my favorites.  Could she be any cuter?

We made a birthday cake for Bop.

Kevin and I went to Zac Brown at summerfest and it was fun.  Really fun.  I had a great time.  Great friends.  Great music.  Really.  Seriously awesome.  

We celebrated my parents anniversary and my dad's birthday. 

And Mae is fully embracing the summer, especially if it means Popsicles!

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