Tuesday, April 29, 2014

House updates (or "The many ways I torture my husband")

The internet can be a wonderful thing.  Without the internet, how would I have been aware of this estate sale where I could purchase items in an auction from the comfort of my own living room?  That's right.  I wouldn't.  

Right before Easter, I scored this great faux bamboo dresser/hutch/bookshelf thing.  It was less than $70, only catch was that I had to drive to Highland Park to pick it up.  Kevin agreed to go with me - such a good husband!  And Jane agreed to watch the kids - such a great grandma!
A few cans of rustoleum spray paint later, and this beauty is sitting in my living room!
To be honest, it could use a little more of the brush on enamel in a few spots.  However,  I ran out of paint and I was NOT up for another trip to walmart.  It sits in a darkish area of my living room, so I decided to just go with it.  And I love it! 

We also got some new lamps. I am afraid to admit I love these just a little too much.
I also picked up this new wing chair, and I have no wear to put it!  It was such a good deal that I couldn't pass it up.  Ideas??
Maybe it will sit in the attic until I have a master suite.  Then I will have space for this chair....where I can spend hours reading books and drinking coffee...ahh wishful thinking. 

Finally, we had our basement hall paneling painted.  I have no idea why we did not do this years ago when we remodeled the basement.  I really wish I had gotten a "before" picture.  It was very dark and looked like you were walking into a very scary place.
Now it ain't pretty, but it looks a whole lot better than it did before...trust me!  Whoever put up the paneling, covered up the original wood doors with the fake paneling.  However,  the original hardware remains.  So I have this funky painted paneling with these beautiful glass door knobs.

Ahh the charm of an old house!

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