Friday, September 27, 2013

RIP Patty the Pug

Patty the pug passed away this week.  She was a wonderful dog, who will always be remembered for her funny habits (licking the air compulsively...scooting around on her backside), adorable looks (a little too short & a little to chubby, but still never grew into her skin) and sweet disposition.
Patty loved her Uncle Kevin and was a great cuddler.
She used her cute looks to get away with being a little naughty.
She loved a walk, when she got one (about once a month).

Grace and Patty, Summer 2008
She was great with the kids.  Always putting up with their teasing and rough play.  Remember Mae headbutting her not so long ago? 

She was a great friend to JuJu.
 And to Monty.

She didn't mind being the butt of jokes.
Grace and Patty, Fall 2008
And was always willing to help clean up a mess.
We will miss you Patty! 


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