Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Andrew's 4th Birthday

Andrew turned four last week.  He has been looking forward to this for a long time.  We started the day with a donut.  Then we went to target where he could buy any toy he wanted...except a gun.  He selected a batman helicopter...which I discovered has a trigger.  So it is basically a helicopter gun.  I hate guns.  

I have promised Andrew a birthday party with all of his little friends.  I intend to follow through, but we are still under construction and are looking ahead to a very busy fall.  We did a small celebration with my parents for Uncle Mark and Andrew's birthdays.  Andrew insisted I make him a cake, which he refused to eat.  Of course.  He said, "Mom.  Please never ever make me that kind of cake again. I only like 'banilla'."  Okay Andrew.  Lets cut the act, we all know you are never going to eat the cake. 

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