Thursday, May 23, 2013

Life with a Superhero

Andrew watching for bad guys as I do some gardening.  He is holding onto his superman cape and a sucker, ready to fight evil.

Andrew is in his "superhero" phase of early childhood development.  He loves all the superheros, but especially Batman and Superman.  I can tell when he gets in his superhero mode, because he gets this crazy look on his face and his arm SHOOTS our in front of him.  Boys are weird.

We have conversations that go like this:
"Mom!  Hurry!  Get them!" Said Andrew as he pointed to a few moms with strollers a block ahead of us on a walk.
"What?  Why?" I asked.
"Do.  You.  Have.  Any.  Rope?" in a hushed, very serious voice.
"What?  No!  Why do you need rope?"
"So we can catch those bad guys and tie them up!"

He also loves to wrestle and have pretend battles with other willing boys.  Here he is during Grace's soccer game.  Our eight year old friend was a very, very good sport.  When Andrew would hit him, he would FLY through the air and throw himself on the ground.  As if Andrew were sooo strong.  Andrew was in heaven.

He also is now convinced that danger is lurking around every corner.  A knock at the door is surely a "bad guy" there to get us.  He always reminds me, "Mommy, I will protect you girls while dad is away."  Then he gets a determined look on his face, dark eyes, and throws out his arm - ready for  anything!

Great to have a bodyguard around, but my favorite thing about life with a superhero is the cute undies.  Definitely the undies.

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