Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Happy Birthday Grace!

Gracie turned 6 this past Wednesday. Grace is very sweet and is maturing so much.  She is such a big girl!  She is an amazing sister and could not be sweeter to everyone, even little Stinky Andrew.  She is kind and friendly, I frequently hear from other moms how Grace always says hi to them and gives them hugs!   She is trying so hard at school.  Her behavior at school is impeccable and her teachers are very complimentary of how well she plays with others and how hard is is concentrating on her school work. 

Her birthday happened to be they day of her monthly Daisy Troop meeting, so I signed up to help that day.  The great moms that run the troop organized an amazing Easter egg hunt at a neighborhood home and the girls were totally not phased by the frigid weather.  They had a ball!  They even got to see the Easter Bunny and he taught them how to hop.

Then we had dinner out, at Gracie's choice of restaurant.  She only ate a tiny bit of her food, and later I figured out why...after she threw up all over the place in her sleep.  Poor thing, sick on her birthday!   

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