Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Happy Valentines from Mae

Mae brought this home from daycare. Would be cute. If she didn't have an infected eye. Although, it is a fair representation of Mae at this time. Sick. All the time. Poor girl.

She painted the red paper and then her teacher put the card together. How do they have the time?

Mae actually came home with some valentines from her classmates. I'm not surprised she has some admirers in her class.

When I was discussing this with her new teacher, she said that this is what she usually does with the kids Mae's age:
1. She sends the kids (babies!) home with Valentines to decorate for each classmate.
2. At daycare, the kids (babies!) decorate their own mailboxes.
3. On the 14th, the kids (babies!) take turns playing mailman and delivering their valentines to the other babies.

Uh, what?

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