Monday, February 25, 2013

Little Miss No Nap

"Mom. Can you explain this "nap" thing to me again? I am still not getting it."

Sunday, February 24, 2013

My fathers daughter

Impulse buy today at the grocery store. It was on sale. And now I feel prepared for anything knowing that a giant hunk of meat is in my freezer, just in case I need it.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Happy Valentines from Mae

Mae brought this home from daycare. Would be cute. If she didn't have an infected eye. Although, it is a fair representation of Mae at this time. Sick. All the time. Poor girl.

She painted the red paper and then her teacher put the card together. How do they have the time?

Mae actually came home with some valentines from her classmates. I'm not surprised she has some admirers in her class.

When I was discussing this with her new teacher, she said that this is what she usually does with the kids Mae's age:
1. She sends the kids (babies!) home with Valentines to decorate for each classmate.
2. At daycare, the kids (babies!) decorate their own mailboxes.
3. On the 14th, the kids (babies!) take turns playing mailman and delivering their valentines to the other babies.

Uh, what?

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Here we go again

We got a little stir crazy today, so we went to the zoo. Briefly.

Before the illness completely took hold of our house. Again.

When will this cold and flu season be over? My kids are building some serious immunity this year.

Mae has runny eyes, a runny nose and a runny butt.

Andrew has the thing where he projectile vomits all over the kitchen...stomach flu I believe.

So far Grace has been spared....

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Snowball Dance

Last night Gracie and Kevin headed to the father daughter dance at St. Jude.  Grace was a little excited and looked so cute.  

I even curled her hair for the occasion.

Poor Andrew felt so left out.  He even went upstairs and got out his blazer so he could look "fancy, fancy" too. 

Apparently the girls had a ball, dancing and singing to all the latest pop songs.  And the dads had fun drinking beer.  

Andrew and I had some good cuddle time while they were gone.  


Thursday, February 7, 2013

Resourceful and independent

Great qualities.  Not so great when they prompt your three year old to do this...

Yes, that is a chair.
On top of another chair.
Which he climbed up to get chips from a high shelf in the cupboard. 
They were really good chips. 
But still not a good idea.
Luckily the bottom chair has arms.
Otherwise, it wouldn't have caught the little one that slipped off the side.  
And then we would have been at children's hospital.
Andrew has promised me, "I not do that again."

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Quick Getaway

Last week, Kevin and I went to Miami and the Keys for a few nights.  It was fun and somewhat relaxing.  We were just a little disappointed that we caught Mae's stomach bug just in time for the trip.  Oh well. 

Big thanks to the grandparents and Mark & Maura for helping out!