Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Sorry, but I just don't get it.

  I am really trying not to buy much of anything for Mae, but she is still a baby and some stuff is just too funky to pass down.  And it seems like everyone I know is pregnant.  So I do find myself in baby stores every once in a while. 

For the record, I literally HATE BuyBuyBaby.  Less than I hate Babies r Us, but I do hate it.  Really I do. 
That being said, their coupons suck me in once in a while.  And I always leave kicking myself and thinking, "Well that wasn't worth the $10 I just saved.  Next time I will just order it from Amazon.  I really will.  I promise."

Anyways, I find myself wandering their towering aisles every once in a while.  And interacting with the same clueless sales lady. 

One time after failing to understand some sort of coupon thing she was talking about, I said, "I guess I am just really tired."  I was not about to admit that I am not smart enough to grasp Buy Buy Baby's coupon policy. She said, "Oh maybe you should take a nap!"  No shit lady.  Its like when I am pregnant and people are like, "Oh you are sick?  You should eat crackers."  Yes!  Crackers!  The dry, crunchy things!  I never thought of that! 

Although, one time I did have this exchange with her. 
"Yes, this is my third baby."
"Oh wow!"
"Yup, it is interesting to walk around here seeing all the stuff that babies just do not need."
"Oh. Uh. Okay." 
 Sometimes I cannot help myself.  I was trying to make conversation, but just ended up being rude.  So it is no wonder that she doesn't like me.   

There are some new products that I love. Such as the aden & anais swaddle blankets. Being obsessed with swaddling, I really wish I had those for Grace and Andrew. In fact, I still swaddle Mae, (even though my favorite baby site, dr. sears, says not to) which would not be possible without these blankets.  And the pampers swaddlers that have the blue line to tell you when the diaper is wet - those are great.  When Grace was just a tiny baby and we had to record those wet diapers, I remember not being able to tell if they were wet or not. 

Awe, remember baby Grace?

Anyway, it is interesting to see how much all the stuff changes every few years.  The car seats keep getting bigger and bigger.  I can fit in some of them.  Seriously. 

And the products more and more ridiculous.    

Such as Boogie Wipes.  Special wipes for a runny nose.  Because babies cannot use kleenex?  I guess?  I didn't know this. 

Or this thing, kidco portable activity seat, I cannot even imagine where one would use idea. I love that it has close to 5 stars in the reviews.  I am sure people are like, "Well I am an idiot for buying this ridiculous seat.  But I don't want to be the only fool, so I will give it a fabulous review so other parents buy it too!" 

And finally, I know EVERYONE has this Sophie the Giraffe French teething toy, and the babies love it.  And please do not take offense if you bought one of these.  

But I don't get it. 

I really don't get it. 

It is just too expensive (Yes, I know I buy a $4 latte like every day.) 

I actually kinda think it is some sort of social experiment to see what people will buy.  If it wasn't "French" would people still buy it?  Would they pay less if it were from another Cambodia or Kazakhstan?

Maybe someone will buy it for Mae and I will finally understand the appeal.  

Will she be like a French baby?
Will she look oh so refined?
Will she want to wear a beret and eat brie?
Will she start cooing in a French accent? 

(Don't you love this smug smirk (somewhat French, err, Parisian) look on her face.  I can just hear her..."You stupid Americans!")

I won't be buying one.  But if the Le Expensive Baby Toy company wants to send me one to review, I will gladly do so. 

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