Sunday, July 8, 2012

Mae's Baptism

On the Sunday of Memorial Day weekend Mae was baptized at St. Jude and we had a party at our house afterwards.  It was a classy event, complete with paper plates, donuts and red solo cups. 

Every time the priest said Mae's name, Andrew would turn to someone and say, "That's my Mae!".  He is such a proud big brother.
With Mae's Godparents Aunt Katie and Uncle Brad!

Grace was super excited that Mae was joining the Catholic church!

They look like naturals, don't they!

Grace enjoying a well rounded meal, 3 donut holes.

We had a great time will all our family and friends that joined us.  Thank you for the gifts, I am officially crossing "thank you notes" off of my to do list.  Realizing that they are just not going to happen.  So if you are reading and you gave Mae a baptism gift.  Thank you.

So there are like no pictures of Mae from this day.  Poor third child.  But she had a great time sleeping through the whole mass and party.

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