Monday, October 24, 2011

Do I need a stitch?

Today, poor little Andrew fell and split open his chin.  The little guy was taking off his coat, walking into the back hall and tripped over the shoes he left there.  I was right there but couldn't grab him in time.  Heartbreak.  Immediately I saw that his chin was split.  So I called the doctor, somewhat hysterically, and made an appointment.  Andrew cried for about a minute, then let me hold him, put a band aid on and apply some pressure. 

Grace on the other hand....

As soon as she heard the word "stitch", she literally flipped out.  "I don't want a stitch!"
"Grace, you don't need a stitch.  You didn't fall.  You are not bleeding.  This is not about you." 
This conversation continued to repeat, ver batim, for about 20 minutes.  Only to be interrupted by periods of sobbing and screaming. 

I did tell her that we need to be better about cleaning up things on the floor and that prompted her to clean up her room, for once.  Nice!

So we head to the doctor and sweet little Andrew got his chin glued, instead of  a stitch.  He was a model patient.  No tears.  No fighting.  No struggle.  He just laid on the table and let the doctor and nurse mess with his chin.  I only saw one little lip quiver.  Such a tough boy!  This past weekend he cut his lip twice and tumbled down the stairs, head first.  He looks like he was in a bar fight. 

Flash forward to about 7:30pm.  I am sitting at the desk paying bills in my quiet house.  I thought everyone was asleep until I heard, "Mommy, my finger hurts!"

Grace came down and after close inspection I saw a minuscule papercut on her finger.  I foolishly said, "Oh, you have a little papercut."  Big mistake.  She lost it.  Again.

She ran upstairs.  Screaming that she needs a bandaid.  I put my head in my hands, asked God for some patience, grabbed the camera and headed up stairs.  Okay, I was laughing, you would be too.  Don't judge me.  I made her pose for this picture before I got her a band aid.  Don't judge me. 

Apparently, she did not understand that Andrew's injury was a bit more, uh substantial, than hers. 
"Mommy, am I going to be okay?  Do I need a stitch?"
"Yes, Grace you will be okay.  You do not need a stitch."
"Mommy, why were you laughing?"
"Because you are overreacting."
"What is overreacting?"
"Freaking out about a papercut is overreacting."
"Is my finger cut off?  What is a papercut?"

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