Tuesday, August 30, 2011

First day of school!

So yesterday was Gracie's first day in K4.  Finally!  Seems like we have been talking about this day forever. 

She is definitely ready for school.  But this past weekend, whenever she was asked about school, she would say, "I am a little bit nervous."  In the cutest, sweetest little voice. 

That morning she was a bit apprehensive, but overall very excited.  And she loves getting her picture taken, so she was happy to pose with everyone in her new uniform.

When we got to school, we had to wait outside for the teachers to comeotu and meet the class.  This was a long wait, and there were a few moments of this....

But mostly, Grace was smiley and excited.

When I picked her up a few hours later, she was so happy.  She got to play outside, have a snack, and do some artwork.  She also talked her teacher into giving her a barbie band-aid for her papercut.  Before we could leave she had to run and give a little girl from her class a big hug.  "Mommy, she is my best friend in the whole wide world!" 
"Thats great Gracie!  What is her name?"
"Umm, I don't know?"

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