Tuesday, August 10, 2010

channeling martha stewart - failed attempt

So last Saturday I was at the grocery store and saw some great looking cookies in the bakery.  I could have bought those for dessert, but instead I thought, "Why not make those super cute ice cream cone cupcakes that I had once for a birthday treat in the 6th grade and thought were awesome?"

An acceptable answer would have been, "Because you are having 3 families over for dinner tonight, which by the way is in 3 hours and you have not showered yet.  Or made dinner yet.  Or appetizers yet.  Or cleaned up the house and backyard yet."  But the ice cream cone cupcakes are so darn cute, so i ignored my inner voice...she was saying "stop! buy the cookies!"

Anyways, I used a cake mix and a box of cake cones. 
Make the mix according to the directions on the box, pour it in the cones, put frosting on top, simple - right?  Not really. 

One tip I read was to put the cones in an egg container, but that didn't really work.
The muffin pans worked well, meaning none tipped over. 
The directions said "fill cones 1/2 full with batter". But I wanted the domed tops, so I filled them up to the top. Not a good idea, you get this....

But the little cake dribbles were DELICIOUS. And irresistable (this piece went immediately into my mouth after the photo was taken).
So, in short,  it was a mes.

But on the upside, I think I have found a frosting recipe that rivals my beloved Bay Bakery frosting!  Now, I was a bit embarassed purchasing....
at the grocery store....but it is trans fat free!  Does that make it ok?  No?  Does it help a bit? No? Oh well.  The frosting was good.  Really good.

So not exactly a Martha Stewart-esque effort, but not a total failure either.

Oh and my little taste tester....

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